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5 Benefits Of Eps Geofoam For Highway Construction
Currently, there are more than 5 million miles of highways in the U.S. And thousands of miles of transportation projects are already on the books for 2020 and beyond.
From Time To Cost Savings, Here Are 5 Reasons Contractors Need Eps Geofoam For Their Next Project
For your next construction project, what type of fill material will you be using? Whether you’re expanding roads, creating landscapes or bridges, or building a commercial property, fill material is almost definitely in the mix.
5 Problems Eps Foam Solves In Bridge Abutment Issues
All around the U.S., bridges are deteriorating. Currently, we have about 615,000 bridges nationwide, and more than 54,000 of those are structurally deficient, requiring repair, rehabilitation or replacement
Geofoam Market To Experience Rapid, Aggressive Growth Next 5-7 Years
The growing trend towards geofoam block construction is being reflected in the numbers. Currently, the geofoams market is a 784-million-dollar industry and is projected to grow to be a 1,069-million-dollar market by 2024.
Expanded Polystrene Eps
Expanded polystyrene, or EPS geofoam, is a cost-efficient insulation material used in the construction industry. It is extremely lightweight, but strong and durable.
Website Launch
All over the world, people are asking about a not-so-new construction material, Geofoam, and what it is and how it can be used
Any Project, Anywhere
PREFoam Enterprises sources our EPS and XPS foam products from manufacturing facilities all over the world. That means we can provide YOUR team with fast, easy, cost-effective construction materials local to your jobsite at a FRACTION of the cost.
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